

Trustly is the simplest way to provide Direct Bank payments on your website. Choose between our Redirect and Seamless View integration options.

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Redirect is the easiest way to do Direct Bank payments. Redirect will take the payer to a Swedbank Pay hosted payment page where they can perform a secure transaction. The payer will be redirected back to your website after the completion of the payment.

Seamless View is our solution for a payment experience that is integrated directly on your website. The payment process will be executed in an iframe on your page.

Important Steps Before You Launch Trustly At Your Website

Prior to launching Trustly Payments at your site, make sure that the payment option is displayed with a Trustly logo, corresponding to Trustly’s guidelines.

Payment Type

Trustly is one of the payment methods using one-phase payments. The sale is done when the payer successfully confirms in the app, capturing the funds instantly. The abort operation is still available, but the cancel and capture operations are not. The reversal, if needed, is done by the merchant at a later time. Read more about the different operations and the payment resource.


The languages we currently support are English (en-us), Norwegian (nb-no), Swedish (sv-se), and Finish (fi-fi).