Digital Payments

Google Pay™

What is Google Pay™, and what has to be done before you can offer it as a payment method?

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Google Pay™ in apps: We do not currently support launching Google Pay™ within an in-app solution. If you want to implement Google Pay™ in your web-view application, you will need to open it in a browser and open the Checkout from there.

Pay Smarter with Google Pay™!

Simplify your checkout experience with Google Pay™ — the fast, secure, and hassle-free way to pay online, in-store and in apps.

  • Fast Transactions: Tap, click, or swipe—pay in seconds.
  • Secure Payments: Advanced encryption keeps your card details safe.
  • Seamless Convenience: Save cards, loyalty programs and tickets all in one place.
  • Widely Accepted: Use it anywhere Google Pay is supported..

Merchant ID

You need to sign up for a Google Developer Account and create a business profile and payment profile.

After creating the business profile, you will be able to see your Merchant ID on the top right corner of the page. We need that ID in order to activate Google Pay for you.

However, be sure to register your domain/package and submit screenshots of your integration for approval. Login to Google Pay™ & Wallet Console, go to the Google Pay™ API tab and upload the screenshots and submit your integration for approval. The screenshots should be of the entire buyflow process (ex: add to cart, checkout, payment, confirmation - if available). Your Merchant ID will only work in production environment once Google complete their review and approve your submitted integration.

Unless you have provided us with your Merchant ID as part of signing your agreement with Swedbank Pay, you can e-mail us it at together with Name, Organizational and Customer number.

Implementation Paths

Which Google Pay™ documentation and guidelines should you use if you are an android merchant? Google Pay Android Developer Documentation, Google Pay Android Integration Checklist and the Google Pay Android Brand Guidelines.

Which Google Pay™ documentation and guidelines should you use if you are a web merchant? Google Pay Web Developer Documentation, Google Pay Web Integration Checklist and the Google Pay Web Brand Guidelines.{:target=”_blank”}

Do you as a merchant need to take additional steps with regards to the Google Pay™ payment button or other hosted components to your website?

No additional steps are required. Contact Customer Operations after signing up with Google with your Merchant ID to setup your contract. Once set up, the option to pay with Google Pay™ should appear in your implementation, as long as your payer’s device supports Google Pay™.

Please remember that you do must adhere to Google Pay™ API’s Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms defined in the Google Pay™ API’s Terms of Service.

If our SDK generates an IsReadyToPayRequest or a PaymentDataRequest on behalf of you as a merchant, do you need to take additional steps before the Google Pay™ functionality is available?

No additional steps are required. Contact Customer Operations after signing up with Google with your Merchant ID to setup your contract. Once set up, the option to pay with Google Pay™ should appear in your implementation, as long as your payer’s device supports Google Pay™.

Please remember that you do must adhere to Google Pay™ API’s Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms defined in the Google Pay™ API’s Terms of Service.

Implementation Details

Do Swedbank Pay support 3-D Secure, and will merchants have to enable it for PAN_ONLY credentials themselves?

3DS is enabled by default. Merchants will not handle any payment details or sensitive data at all during the purchase process. The data is encrypted and sent to our PCI zone, where we decrypt and handle processing of the cards. Merchants cannot selectively enable/disable what types of authorization methods they receive. We handle all kinds on our end.

How do merchants set the gateway and gatewayMerchantID values?

Swedbank Pay will handle both gateway and gatewayMerchantID internally during merchant onboarding, and is not an issue you need to address. Please note that Merchant ID and gatewayMerchantID is not the same. The Merchant ID is given to you in the Google Console. The gatewayMerchantID is the ID given to a merchant from the gateway.

Which authorization methods do Swedbank Pay accept?

We accept both PAN_ONLY and CRYPTOGRAM_3DS cards in all countries where Google Pay is supported.

Which card networks methods do Swedbank Pay accept?

We support Visa, Mastercard and Amex in all countries where Google Pay™ is supported.

Are there any requirements regarding the billing address to be submitted by the developer for address verification?

Any merchant onboarded with Swedbank Pay who’s been given access to Google Pay™, can request the payer to provide billing address in relation to shipping them physical goods. These are encrypted and can only be accessed by the merchant that requested the billing details and is deleted after 30 days.

How do merchants send Google encrypted payment data and transaction data to Swedbank Pay?

Merchants will not handle any of the customers payment details. The encrypted details are passed on to our backend systems, where we pass them to our internal PCI environment for processing. Within the PCI environment, a tokenized representation of the card is created, which is then used outside of the PCI environment to ensure the customers details are kept safe.